Do you ever pine for the groovy 1970s? Nothing can take you back faster than a vintage owl fabric print, jewelry or a decorative figurine. With the rise of the environmental movement beginning in the late 1960s, the 1970s was the Decade of the Owl. Do you remember Woodsy Owl and his slogan “Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute”? He first appeared in 1971.

Cultures around the world see the owl in a variety of ways—Many Native American tribes believe the owl is the spirit of an ancestor. They represent the energy of wise elders. In some Asian countries, owls symbolize good fortune and protection. In ancient Egypt, owls were seen as the gatekeepers of the underworld. They were symbols of courage and supernatural wisdom. Roman and Greek cultures revered owls.

Whatever symbolism fit in the 1970s, owls met the times with aplomb. You could find kitschy owl banks, and diamond owl brooches. The most common fashion use seems to have been pendant necklaces. At this moment there are thousands of such necklaces on Etsy.

Here are just a few of the fashionable vintage owls I’ve come across:

Of course, the owl was almost matched by the mushroom in popularity in the 1970s. A theme for another day…

