Do you know the difference between a shift and a sheath? These two dress silhouettes have often occurred at the same time in fashion. I focused on the 1950s and 1960s versions of these for this Vintage Fashion Guild Parade recently. The VFG Parades take place each week, and there’s a new theme every time.

Shifts & Sheaths

Should she sheath, or should she shift?
Surely she won't give either short shrift

In fifties, sixties, she showcases
In sheaths and shifts, different places:

The waist in sheaths is the showiest spot
While shifts show shins—and nothing taut

Shapely sheaths make sharp shadows,
While short shifts show that knees have values

Schiap, Schnurer, Schrader, Shaheen
All made sheaths and shifts umpteen

Whether you shop, shimmy or sell shells by seashores
Shirk neither sheaths nor shifts from VFG stores!

You can see the whole VFG Fashion Parade in the forums, here:
