And November is it

Of course manatees are to be celebrated and cared about all year, but November is a special month for them. Since 1979, November has been set aside as Manatee Awareness Month.

This is the time of year in which manatees move in from their warm weather migratory routes to hug the shoreline. The natural warm springs and power plant effluents to be found there don’t just make manatees more comfortable—as a sub-tropical species, they need water above 68 degrees Fahrenheit to survive. As the animals move closer to the shore, there are inevitably more boat strikes, fishing line entanglements and pollution poisonings that lead to injuries and deaths for manatees.

Without natural enemies, humans do manatees the greatest harm. So I believe we must also be their biggest advocates.

Manatee Awareness Month.jpg

One thing you can do for manatees: Wear vintage fashion.

Wait, what?

Not only are vintage items a beautiful form of recycling, but you can specifically help manatees by purchasing vintage fashion from me! I donate 10% of all denisebrain sales (not profit, but sales) to Save the Manatee Club. I began this on September 7, 2016. Before that, I raised funds and awareness for manatees at various times of the year, but I felt I had to do more.

I am not wealthy by a very long stretch, but by consistently putting a little towards helping manatees, and with the kindness and generosity of my customers, over the years I have been able to donate over $12,200.


Would you help me raise a little more for imperiled manatees?

I have set up a GoFundMe page with the goal of reaching $200 in donations by the end of November. I know it is hard to put together any extra money these days, but take it from me, if you have $5 to give, that little bit can help add up for this magnificent species.

Long live the manatee!
