Do you make New Year’s Resolutions?
I like to make one resolution for each month when possible. Think about it: If you have 12 resolutions at the beginning of the year, how many are you keeping up with by December 31? On the other hand, if you give each resolution one month of its own, it has a greater chance of being accomplished. Of course, getting healthier might be something you choose to do all year, but you might, say, switch up your exercises every month.
Of course you know I’m not talking about exercise here—I’m talking about vintage. I have 12 months of resolutions to try to accomplish this year. I did this in 2014, and found some things very easy and natural (wear scarves!) and other things much more difficult and time consuming (get through the mending pile!).
I have a repeat or two from 2014 this year, but mostly new goals. Can you believe my closet is still making me happy from the overhaul I gave it six years ago? Win!
So here they are, my 2020 Vintage Resolutions:
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January: Wear vintage Hats
This is a repeat resolution from 2014. I have been given renewed resolve by the words of my Instagram friend @tiffanybb. She wrote:
On a recent #vintageshopping excursion, I overheard a couple ladies as they were trying on hats for an event that evidently required one. They loved many of them, but felt self-conscious and were struggling over how much they were vs. how much use they’d get out of them. One of the ladies finally said “I just wished they looked right on me.” As a lifelong wearer of vintage, I’ve had people say that to me about clothes of other eras I’ve worn. Here’s the deal: anything looks right on you if you love it and OWN it. If you feel weird, or are constantly fidgeting and tugging at what you’re wearing- THAT is the only thing keeping it from “looking right.” I have owned hats for as long as I can remember but have only worn them sparingly, because it sometimes felt like too much, or how people tend to stare when you’re wearing one (when no one else is). … [but] when I wear them, I somehow feel more fun, playful and pretty. My friend @fbphotogllc has a good friend @redsshoediaries who almost always rocks a pretty hat and one of the first times I met her, I told her I still had a few hats but felt a little over the top if I wore hats outside of an event that called for one, or a weather related one and she said, “Girl, wear your hats!” And it hit me: It’s that same philosophy about wearing your good lingerie. What are you saving it for? So, if it works with what I’m wearing, I’ll be wearing the hat, and feeling good about it. Life is too short not to wear your special stuff, use your “good” dishes and drink the nice bottle of wine you’ve been saving!
I have plenty of vintage hats. This month, I will pull them out and incorporate them in my wardrobe with renewed resolution. Life IS too short to do without.
February: Give Someone a Vintage Makeover
This is something special I have been thinking about for at least a year. I would like to help someone put together a vintage look that they love. They might be new to vintage, or an old hand at it but ready for a change in perspective. I’m not sure how this will take place, but it probably will be something I offer as a giveaway. If you’d like to try out a new-to-you vintage style, keep your eyes open in February (and August)!
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March: Find 6 ways to wear one item
Here’s the plan: I want to find one vintage item in my closet and find new ways to wear it. This could be an LBD for which I find collars, scarves, gloves, brooches (etc.) to accessorize. Or, it might be a jacket that I wear backwards. Yes, I’m in an adventurous mood this year!
April: Find a New Color to Wear
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This is another repeat. Last time I came up with chartreuse as a color I wanted to wear, and I still dearly love that choice. What’s the next unexpected color? I’m ready.
I want to do as @zeezsa, and mix my decades with panache
May: Try More Bold Mixing of Vintage
I talk about vintage mixing in my book and I feel like spending more time in that realm. I love the idea of wearing multiple eras of clothing combined with a (take your pick) creative/quirky/interesting/sophisticated eye.
Photo credit: Thomas Vogel on Unsplash
June: Support Small Vintage Businesses with my Purchases
I would like to do this every month, but if you must know, I’m always very careful with money so I can keep my small business afloat. Also, if there’s one thing of which I do have plenty, it’s vintage.
Despite this—or maybe because of this, and my understanding of how tough it is to keep a vintage business running—it is my goal this month to offer a little tangible support to others in my position.
July: Wear Vintage Every Single Day
You may be thinking, just how hard is that? I could, technically, wear vintage every day, but it isn’t always easy for things like physical therapy appointments, or long-distance bike rides. This month, I plan to find a way to ALWAYS be in vintage. I think I should be a walking calling card for my business, and a pied piper for vintage in general, don’t you?
August: Give Someone a Vintage Makeover II
See February, above. I have no idea where I’m going with this, but I so want to do it and hope you are as eager as I am to see how the experiment comes out!
September: Find a fashion trend to interpret (Better) with vintage
I always keep an eye on runway fashion. When I was young, I’d take my favorite styles from fashion magazines and comb through thrift and secondhand stores for items that gave the same vibe.
This fall, I’m going back to those roots to try to show how well a trend can go vintage.
October: Organize Jewelry
I squared away my closet’s vintage years ago, but I have a vintage jewelry mess going on. Lots of potential for improvement here!
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November: Create Vintage Button Bracelets
I have many, many beautiful vintage buttons and used to make bracelets using them. I miss this creative outlet and plan to get back to it in November.
December: Give Nothing New for Christmas
This, ladies and gentlemen, sounds difficult. Many people are not yet attuned to the value of vintage and used items. Can I find something that is absolutely appropriate and wanted by everyone on my list? Especially for my dear husband, The Modernist? I’m not sure, but I am going to give it a go, for vintage, and for the Earth.
Do you have vintage resolutions for 2020? Please tell me in the comments!