One week of February has gone by and I’m pleased to say that we have raised $174 for the rescue of manatees in Belize.

Belize is a stunningly beautiful, ecologically diverse country. Tourism dollars are very important to the economy, but the dredging for marinas, ripping out of mangrove swamps and increased boat traffic have put endangered manatees at more risk than ever before.

With injuries and loss of habitat the very rare manatees of Belize are in need of protection, rescue, rehabilitation and advocacy. Sea to Shore Alliance is one organization working on all those fronts. When I read that there is a project (called Protect Our Manatees Belize) to raise funds for a boat, truck and trailer in order to get help to manatees quickly (they have relied on borrowed equipment) I felt I had to see what I could do to assist.

I have every faith in the good of this group. If you haven’t already heard of Belizean Jamal Galves, please read the article Meet the Man Saving Belize’s Manatees, One Baby At a Time. Mr. Galves’s gofundme page can accept direct donations for the cause. The financial goal is ambitious, but so is the ambition to protect manatees. Ambitious and absolutely necessary.

Another way for you to help the cause is to make any purchase from my denisebrain web store or Etsy shop. 25% of your purchase will go to the cause during the month of February. I would also be glad to direct funding to Protect Our Manatees Belize through Sea to Shore Alliance if you would like to make a contribution through my YouCaring page. I will donate 100% of any donations offered to me on that page.

Manatees Forever!
