Flock is a word you know as a number of birds together, or congregants at a church, or sheep, or tourists. I don’t blame you if you don’t know the fabric definition...it is often missing from regular dictionaries.
Flocked fabric
Flock is the name given to very short fibers, either from fabric-making waste or created from rags. A flocked fabric is one on which flocking has been applied with an adhesive, either all over or in a pattern. A common flocked print is dotted swiss. Any fabric weight can be used.
Flocked fabrics have improved, but the all-over flocked (velvet-like) fabrics can be fairly stiff. Flocking also has the tendency to wear off.
Uses: Dresses, household decoration, aprons
See also:
Dotted swiss
Flocked organdy |
Flocked voile
©Vintage Fashion Guild - Text by Margaret Wilds/denisebrain, photos by Hoyt Carter